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Auxiliary for St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children Nets
$80,000 During February Auction

Norfolk, Va. – April 4, 2008 – St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children today announced that the St. Mary’s Auxiliary Board netted $80,000 in proceeds during its third annual Gala and Auction held Friday, February 22 at the Princess Anne Country Club in Virginia Beach, Va.
Under the guidance of immediate past President Kim Thumel and current President, Karen Hibbard, the Auxiliary worked to create both a silent and live auction that would offer something for everyone. Bidding for Camp Horizon scholarships, specialty vacations, hand-crafted jewelry plus purses by Toni Henkel were highlights of the auction that drew a record crowd of devoted supporters. Some of the funds raised will go towards the purchase of a wheel-chair accessible van.

In 2007 alone, the Auxiliary funded more than $80,000 in gifts and pledges including partial funding for a wheelchair-accessible shuttle bus which, in turn, inspired another service organization to make a substantial contribution as well. Other gifts the Auxiliary has funded include a sun canopy for the pool, 30 rocking chairs, six Hill-Rom positioning tables, respiratory therapy equipment, sensory toys, three evaluative walkers and a specially adapted tricycle as well as many other needs to enhance the lives of St, Mary’s residents.

“The Auxiliary Auction is a real highlight of the year for St. Mary’s. The Auction provides an opportunity for folks to become familiar with St. Mary’s and with the wonderful work the Auxiliary does to support the Home in its care of the children who live here. Although a relatively new tradition, the Auction has assumed an important role in helping support this unique home,” said CEO William C. Giermak.

The Auxiliary Board of St. Mary’s is a group of dedicated women that strives to fill specific needs that the Home cannot otherwise meet. Formed in 1950 with 100 charter members, the Auxiliary continues to provide invaluable support exclusively for the Home.
Established in 1944, St. Mary’s Home is the only pediatric long-term care residential facility of its kind in Virginia for children with severe disabilities. St. Mary’s offers a comprehensive range of residential, medical, therapeutic, educational and recreational services for children from birth to age 21. The staff combines medical care with a gentle touch to create a therapeutic environment for the children with warmth, nurturing and personal attention

.St. Mary’s staff is always eager to provide information about its exceptional care, programs and therapies to civic organizations and clubs. For more details about St. Mary’s, its volunteer program, community partnerships, donations, or for information on scheduling a tour, please call 757-622-2208.

For additional information please contact:

Paige E. Fleming, Marketing Communications Manager
St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children
757.622-2208 or pfleming@smhdc.org

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