
Category: Blog

Something New in the Butterfly Garden

The grounds at St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children were already beautiful, with a number of local garden clubs having worked hard to enhance the landscaping in the gardens and courtyards. Over the summer, though, something new blossomed in the butterfly...

St. Mary’s Day of Life

You can help save lives by taking part in the latest St. Mary’s Day of Life on Friday, Oct. 2, at the Red Cross, 250 W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk. Please join St. Mary’s staff and teachers, as well as families of St. Mary’s residents, as they donate...

Sister Mary June on the Radio

Today, public radio station WHRV 89.5’s “HearSay with Cathy Lewis” program aired a conversation with Sister Mary June Morin, who has worked at St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children for 50 years. This was a re-run of the audio portion of an...

Gardens in Bloom

(Photo by Wéyo.)St. Mary’s residents — and staff — love spending time in the Home’s gorgeous courtyards. If you haven’t had a chance to see the gardens in bloom here at St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children, we hope you will enjoy...

Lemonade, Popcorn and Hula Hoops

There are few lazy days of summer at St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children. Residents stay busy going to summer school and camp and taking part in a variety of other activities in the evenings and on weekends. This afternoon, though, residents and staff dropped...

A Smile and a Handshake

U.S. Rep. Glenn Nye dropped by St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children for a tour this week. One of his stops included the classroom of the Early Intervention Program for the Home’s youngest residents. He shook hands with 3-year-old Jahmari, who was being...