From left: St. Mary’s Auxiliary Board President Ann Gimbert, St. Mary’s CEO H. Wayne Jones, raffle car winner Pepe Yanez and wife Margie Yanez, Auxiliary Board Treasurer Marie Siebeking and St. Mary’s Director of Philanthropy Kathy Kaurup.
As a teen, Pepe Yanez of Norfolk volunteered at what was then St. Mary’s Infant Home. The former linebacker and fellow members of Norfolk Catholic High School’s football team spent two or three weekends a year at the Home, painting, cleaning and raking the yard.
On April 20, Pepe got reacquainted with St. Mary’s when he and his wife, Margie, picked up their new car. Pepe bought the winning ticket for a raffle by the Auxiliary Board of St. Mary’s Home. He purchased the ticket from longtime Auxiliary Board member Betty Bade, whom he knows through Blessed Sacrament Church.
“It’s incredible,” Pepe said about St. Mary’s after touring the building, which opened in 2005. This was his first visit to the “new” St. Mary’s, which is bigger and brighter than the old building he remembered in downtown Norfolk.
Happy driving, Pepe and Margie, and thank you for supporting the children and young adults of St. Mary’s Home and The Albero House. And thank you to Checkered Flag Toyota for so generously donating the new Toyota Corolla LE!