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St. Mary’s mermaid is almost here. In fact, she will arrive on Monday.

But … she needs a name.

Come up with the perfect moniker for this lovely creature of the sea and you’ll win a copy of “There Goes a Mermaid!” by Norfolk author Lisa Suhay and a St. Mary’s tote bag filled with goodies.

Fill out a ballot at St. Mary’s front desk, or send an email with your name, address, phone number and suggested name for the mermaid to sbarisic@smhdc.org. Deadline is end of the day, Sunday, Nov. 8. The winning name will be announced during the Family Forum at St. Mary’s Home on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Employees, families, friends, supporters — everyone is invited to name the mermaid.

To learn more about the mermaid, click here.

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