
Author: St. Mary's Home

St. Mary’s Home Chosen as Charity for 2010 Fall Homearama

TBA President Bill Halprin and Fall Homearama Charity House builder Scott Crumley at the 65th anniversary dinner for St. Mary’s Home. About 300 people who gathered Wednesday evening to celebrate St. Mary’s 65 years of comfort and caring were the first to...

Celebrating 65 Years of Caring for Children in Need

St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children has been caring for Virginia children in need for 65 years. In recognition of this history, we will present an anniversary dinner on Wednesday, March 24, at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott, with a reception at 5:30 p.m. and...

Words Matter: Take the Pledge

Lauryn Harris and Nichole Hayes know how painful it is to hear people toss around derogatory slang terms like “retarded” and “retard.” Their little brother lived at St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children, which cares for children and young...

"Everybody Likes to Give"

Many generous people across the nation have donated money to help Haiti recover from the earthquake in January. At St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children in Norfolk, employees recently took up a collection and raised $1,705 to send to the Daughters of Wisdom to...

St. Mary’s 5K Promo Wins Gold ADDY Award

Many congratulations to the talented, creative and generous team of Regent University students who put together a video promo for St. Mary’s 5K fundraiser last fall. On Saturday, the group received a student gold ADDY award in the television category from the...