
Category: Events

Ready, Set, Go …

As Team Hoyt VB’s members readied for a fun run at St. Mary’s Home on Saturday, they wondered if Mother Nature would smile on them. Despite earlier showers and clouds in the distance, 15 joggers/walkers and a dozen children in jogger strollers made half-mile...

One of the Happiest, Yet Saddest, Days of the Year

Smiling and wearing blue caps and gowns, 12 residents filed into St. Mary’s Atrium this morning to the familiar strains of “Pomp and Circumstance.” Mikey even pumped his fist. Graduation Day is one of the happiest days of the year at the Home, a rite...

A Bit of the Virginia Arts Festival at SMHDC

It was a busy weekend at St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children. On Saturday, CEO William C. Giermak led the ninth Family Forum, which was followed by a tropical-themed Family Night program put on by the Recreational Therapy Department. On Sunday afternoon, our...