
Category: Events

Words Matter: Take the Pledge

Lauryn Harris and Nichole Hayes know how painful it is to hear people toss around derogatory slang terms like “retarded” and “retard.” Their little brother lived at St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children, which cares for children and young...

St. Mary’s 5K Promo Wins Gold ADDY Award

Many congratulations to the talented, creative and generous team of Regent University students who put together a video promo for St. Mary’s 5K fundraiser last fall. On Saturday, the group received a student gold ADDY award in the television category from the...

Cookie Season is Here

The Girl Scouts of Troop #5067 at St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children sure are smart cookies.They stationed themselves near the employee time clock this afternoon, and on pay day no less. One Scout, Victoria, hit a switch on her voice output device to tell...

Supporter Spotlight: Bob Guess, Boat Builder

Bob Guess has been fascinated by the craft of boat-building since he was a child playing among the cedar shavings in his grandfather’s shop. Among the many unique items you can bid on during an auction this Saturday to benefit the children of St. Mary’s Home...

Go, Kishaun, Go

Kishaun really loves to move. Once seated on an adaptive tricyle, 10-year-old Kishuan zooms up and down the corridors of St. Mary’s Home so quickly that his therapists sometimes have trouble keeping up with him.  Like most of the children who live at the Home,...

Gotta Dance

Carrington doesn’t use her right hand very often. She mostly relies on her left hand to reach out or pick things up. But today was different.She smiled, gleefully shouted “Yeah” a few times and waved her right hand in front of her as she watched the...