ST. MARY’S HOME FOR DISABLED CHILDREN APPOINTS NEW BOARD MEMBER, FORMS BOARD OF HONORARY TRUSTEES NORFOLK, Va. – Nov. 17, 2008 – St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children is pleased to announce the appointment of a new member of the Board of Trustees and the formation of...
ST. MARY’S HOME FOR DISABLED CHILDREN HOSTS MANY LOCAL GROUPS – AND SANTA – DURING HOLIDAYS NORFOLK, Va. – December 8, 2008 –St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children is full of hustle and bustle for the holidays, with a number of groups and organizations taking part in...
ST. MARY’S HOME FOR DISABLED CHILDREN TO HONOR SISTER MARY JUNE TODAY FOR 50 YEARS OF SERVICE WHAT St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children will hold a surprise party TODAY to honor Sister Mary June Morin. She is starting her 50th year at SMHDC, Virginia’s largest...
Feb. 5, 2008 AUCTION TO BENEFIT THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS OF ST. MARY’S HOME FOR DISABLED CHILDREN WHAT The Auxiliary Board of St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children presents the 4th Annual “There’s No Place Like Home” Gala and Auction. Proceeds benefit the...
2ST. MARY’S HOME FOR DISABLED CHILDREN TO HOST VISIT BY 2009 AZALEA FESTIVAL QUEEN WHAT Capt. Magdalena Dvorakova, queen of Norfolk’s 2009 International Azalea Festival, will tour St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children and read to some of the children who live...
AUCTION NETS NEARLY $50,000 – AND A MERMAID – FOR CHILDREN OF ST. MARY’S HOME FOR DISABLED CHILDREN NORFOLK, Va. – March 17, 2009 – An auction organized by the Auxiliary Board of St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children raised nearly $50,000 for the children and...